Creating Money Magic

Welcome Money Magician,

♦️ Are you done feeling powerless and overwhelmed with money, especially with making money and increasing your income?

♦️ Are you tired of playing small and shrinking yourself?

♦️ Are you sick of working hard but not seeing the financial results of your work?

♦️ Are you just over not being able to set clear financial boundaries with family and friends?

♦️ Are you soo done having brilliant money ideas you cannot execute?

Are you ready to:

🌟 Unlock your ancestral wisdom around money and build generational wealth

🌟 Double your income

🌟 Create multiple streams of income

🌟 Start working on your financial expansion from a space of ease

🌟 Follow your own intuitive nudges on how to grow your income and believe in yourself and your gut

🌟 Set bold limitless money goals that grow steadily over time

Then the Money Magic course is for you!

This isn't your traditional personal finance course where I'll be teaching you one true strategy to make money or save money or pay off debt.

And I won't be teaching you tips and tricks or asking you to always be super positive or only bring good vibes into the space.


This is a course where you get to be fully you and make money by: being yourself, feeling your feelings, and tapping into your own inner wisdom and ancestral wisdom.

The Money Magic course is designed to help you understand and transform the deep-rooted, often subconscious financial patterns that are shaped by ancestral trauma.

It focuses on uncovering and healing the emotional and historical wounds that influence how we manage, spend, and relate to money.

In this course you will explore the intersections of family dynamics, inherited financial behaviors, and generational beliefs so you can be empowered to create generational wealth.

The course blends spiritual practices, emotional healing techniques ( EFT Tapping), breathwork, guided meditations and practical strategies to shift the way you make money, view and interact with their finances.

It’s not just about managing money and increasing income, but about transforming your relationship with money in a way that aligns with personal growth, generational healing, and abundance.

The teachings in this course are rooted in the belief that when we heal our relationship with money, we are also healing the generations before and after us.

By working through these ancestral connections, Money Magic provides a holistic approach to financial empowerment that helps people step into a space of confidence, clarity, and control over their financial futures.

We’ve been taught that hard work, education, cutting back on expenses, and being super positive thinkers are what lead to increased income, a cash life, and living our best lives.

For most of us, this model of success doesn’t yield financial results and leaves us feeling like there’s something wrong with us. It leaves us doubting our ability to make money, and maybe even feeling like money is a big mystery we can never solve.

I understand this feeling and these doubts so well.

I got the Finance degree and then I got an MBA and still found myself struggling to pay for my basic living expenses and I felt deeply ashamed.

I worked 16 hour days in my first business and I made $500 in revenue in 3 years and had to rely on friends and family to cover my basic expenses.

Eventually I got so depressed I couldn’t get out of bed and started having panic attacks whenever I would go to the ATM to withdraw money and I couldn’t talk about money to anyone (or even invoice or share the prices of my services) without shaking and freaking out.

I knew that there was more to money than just positive thinking, budgeting and cutting back on expenses so I started following an approach/methodology that I call unlocking ancestral wisdom.

I've seen the impact this work had on my life and how creating a consistent stream of income on my terms without the hard work philosophy has changed my life:

💥 I paid off my US$60,000 in debt in 3.5 years

💥 Launched my company Wealthy Money where I make US$100,000 working virtually from anywhere in the world. I have lived in over 12 countries

💥 Started traveling as I grew my company. I have location independence and according to Google maps, I have been to just over 20 countries in the last 7 years and have not stayed less than 30 days in most countries

💥 I started my property investing journey/ portfolio and was able to buy one of my properties cash in Johannesburg, South Africa

💥 I've had the time to help one of my aunts become debt-free, which led to her building back rooms to make extra income and her taking early retirement

💥 I was able to renovate my mom's house (without taking on credit) so she can host guests and make money. My expansion has literally helped her create an extra income stream

💥 I've been able to gift my mom with a 3-week vacation to Sri Lanka and Thailand, which included a 2-week retreat in Chiang Mai, where she received 5-hour massages every day for 2 weeks

💥 I was able to gift my sister, with a trip to Vietnam because it was her dream country to visit and we got to travel together and share the experience

💥 I had the time flexibility and funds to so to go to India for a friend's wedding

💥 I launched an AirBnB business so I could make an extra stream of income from short-term rentals

💥 I took 3 months from my business (because I have a team and systems in place) to learn Spanish in Oaxaca, Mexico and then because I loved the country, I decided to stay another 3 months

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​There are so many more clients with incredible money stories, in fact, in 2020, I launched the Money Magic Podcast where I interview students and clients about their money shifts from being in this course and their stories are inspiring.

I’m not going to lie and tell you that you’re going to create a consistent stream of income in your business or side hustle overnight. This is not a get rich quick scheme and I know sometimes when people hear some of the client stories on the podcast, it seems like the shifts happen overnight but everyone is different.

The truth is, there are many factors that go into unlocking ancestral wisdom because trauma is layered so even if my sister and I have the same money block and the same childhood experience, it doesn’t mean the root cause of our trauma is the same and that we’ll do the same lessons in the course even the same experiences. The important thing is to honor your journey, trust it and do the work.


The Creating Money Magic course is my signature course and I’m sharing every last secret with you and showing you step-by-step how to create a consistent stream of income without leaving out any information.

It’s 100% up to date, fresh and in-depth and I am constantly updating what I know based on my research on trauma and money. It’s got practical step-by-step money and entrepreneurial exercise but it also focuses on healing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

I promise you’ll be sending me emails telling me how much you love this program as soon as you start. So how do I know this? Because all the students have emailed me about:

1. Quality ✨

The quality and detail that’s gone into this course is something I pride myself on. All the exercises and meditations are my own work based on months of research and experimentation for my books.

2. Clarity 💎

All the lessons in this course are designed to give you clarity on your relationship with money so that you can take action with ease. I’m passionate about helping people get financial breakthroughs, so my team and I are always available by email and social media to answer any questions.

3. Changing your relationship with money 💫

You can’t get clarity without seeing a change in your relationship with money and when we start changing our relationship with money, we create miracles! Literally!

Here's exactly what you’re getting

The course has 24 modules or lessons. The most important thing to understand is that you don’t do this course in a linear manner and there is no set time to do any module because healing is not linear, it’s layered and it certainly doesn’t have a set time.

One module may take you 2 weeks and another module may take you 3 months and sometimes you may find yourself coming back to the same module over and over again.

Lesson 0

Connecting with the spirit of money

  • Focus on connecting with your spirit of money which will help you understand your relationship with money
  • Learn how money wants to relate to you, which will make it easier to form new money habits and price your products and services so money comes easily to you

Lesson 1, 22 and 23

Being present with your finances & Breathwork meditations

  • Sets you up for the rest of the course and teaches you to be in your body
  • The more you understand your body and how it communicates with you, the easier it is to hear your intuitive nudges any time you deal with money in your everyday life, which leads to money magic

Lessons 2 - Lesson 5

Aligning your financial vision with your strategy, daily action plans, resources and financial behavior

  • In these lessons you also connect with your higher self so you take action from a space of alignment, which is what creates ease

Lesson 6 and 8

Healing our wounded inner child and inner teen

  • In these lessons you heal the inner child and inner teen so you can start feeling safe with your income goals
  • Stop creating energetic blocks and sabotaging yourself by playing small in an attempt to keep yourself safe

Lesson 7, 14,15 and 16

Heal your money set points and regulate your nervous system around money

  • In this lesson, we focus on getting you to eel safe and open to receiving more money, making more money and having more money in your bank account
  • It doesn’t matter how much you affirm that you want more money and love money, if you have a low receiving set point you won’t feel safe making more money and will block money or sabotage your efforts to make more money. Or you’ll get rid of money as soon as you make it.
  • This is why in these lessons we work with the nervous system and the body so you feel safe with having money and receiving money.

Lesson 9 and 21

Healing family dynamics and ancestral stories around money

  • The focus in these lessons is to free ourselves from family and ancestral expectations around money
  • This allows you to bring in your own energy and intention into your relationship with money and allows you to expand beyond your family money story.

Lessons 10 - 12

Creating investment portfolios

  • The focus in these lessons is to create investment portfolios so you start investing your income and start earning money without having to work for it
  • This is how you start building generational wealth

Lesson 13

Forgiveness and releasing the debt cycle

  • Healing our debt by forgiving and releasing grudges so we energetically free ourselves

Lesson 17

Healing the God Wound

  • This body of work is unique to Wealthy Money, the focus on healing the purpose of healing the God Wound is to help you step into your limitless power and see your own divinity
  • Increase your receiving set point
  • If nothing seems to be working for someone and they’ve tried everything - I send them to the God Wound and I watch the magic unfold

Lessons 18 - 20

Healing the not good enough wound and various vows around money

  • The focus of these lessons is to help you stop being everything to everyone so you can start to choose the people you want to work with, who are willing to pay your fees without hassles, so work feels easy and fun
  • When work feels easy and fun you show up fully, which leads to incredible client results, which leads to more testimonials, which leads to more clients and more money

As you can see, the course is amazing and it’s different from anything else you’ve seen before and I am really proud of it, because I’ve seen how it has changed so many people’s finances.

There’s no abstract theory, it gets straight to the point and shows you exactly what you have to do to heal ancestral trauma and double your income as well as create multiple streams of income.

It’s more like a field guide that’s going to reveal every single secret, every technique, every strategy that’s working for me and all my successful students to help us unlock ancestral wisdom around money.

But it gets even better than that. I’m also giving you 3 free bonuses worth US$4,500 as a welcome gift

I always try to over-deliver and give as much value as possible.

I actually care about the results that my students will get, and that’s why I’m giving you these 3 free bonuses worth US$4,500 when you join the Creating Money Magic course.


Coaching Sessions

(Value: US$2,900)

  • Get Access to 2 Group Coaching Sessions with my client onboard specialist via Zoom
  • It Includes 30 mins Of Interactive Live Coaching on WhatsApp
  • I am usually fully booked for private sessions so this is a rare bonus offer
  • A 45 minute 1 on 1 session with me where I guide you on how to work through the course


Access to a Wealthy Money Privately Hosted Group on the Wealthy Money Course site

(Value: US$2,999 per annum)

  • Get access to live group coaching with Vangile twice a month in the Fireside chats via Zoom
  • We Stay In Constant Communication In A Secret Group Exclusively For Wealthy Money clients (completely off of social media)
  • Everyone in the group has signed a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) so there are legal consequences if private information is shared
  • Get Access To Me Personally On A Daily Basis (I'm Super Active In The Group, Answering Questions and Referring You to Lessons That Will Help You)
  • Receive Ongoing Support As You Work On Your Income Streams
  • Create Accountability Deals With Fellow Students
  • You'll See What Works For Others And You'll Be Able To Learn From Them First Hand As They Share Their Strategies And What Results They're Getting
  • You also get 2 bonus group coaching sessions every month in what I call "Fireside Chats" so if you have any pressing issue you need help with, you can get face to face coaching
  • The best part - you do NOT have to leave the course site to access the group!
  • And there is an app so you can access if from your phone


5 Day Bank Account Challenge

(Value: US$799)

This Is the Perfect Challenge If You're Avoiding Your Bank Account, Don't Have a Budget, Are Overspending Money or Just Feel Like You Never Have Enough Money In Your Bank Account

These free bonuses will help you and support you on your journey doubling your income and creating multiple streams of income.

I believe the free bonuses alone have the opportunity to transform your life and you’ll have everything that you need to succeed at unlocking ancestral wisdom around money without having to get a whole new educational qualification and work tons of hours just to increase your income.

Here's What To Do Next

If you’d like to create a consistent stream of income every month, increase savings and pay off the debt I want to invite you to sign up for the Creating Money Magic Course.

You can join the course for a one-time payment of US$6,999 and save 20%.

And if you don’t have the money saved up right now, you can still sign up with a 10 or 20 month payment plan of US$888 or US$444 respectively.

Remember you get lifetime access to the course, the private group and the Bank Account Challenge and don’t have to pay extra for any new course materials.

I see this course not as an expense, but an investment.

Here's why.

I expect you to save lots of time and money because you will have the course and the private group as resources and as you start making more money you'll be able to pay off debt, save more and start creating an investment portfolio.

To join the course, all I need from you is to click on the button under this video and sign up for the Creating Money Magic course. You’ll be asked to choose your desired payment option and fill out the form. You can pay by credit or debit card.

If this resonates for you and it feels right for you, click here to sign up for the course

Here's What Happens After You Sign Up

As soon as you’ve signed up for the Creating Money Magic course you’ll get instant access to all the course content. And of course you’ll receive the 3 free bonuses worth US$4,500.

I’ll also send you a welcome email with all the details of how to connect with Wealthy Money's support coach so you can schedule your coaching sessions with her. You will also receive information on how download your NDA and access the private group from within the course site.

As soon as that’s done, you’ll be added to the group where you’ll find all the dates for the Fireside Chats and you will be able to connect with other students who are on the same money journey as you.

You’ll get to share your money story and intentions with us and I can advise you on where to start. That’s where the fun part really starts.

You’ll be plugged into a community of like-minded people who all have the same vision and goal as you - to double your income as well as create multiple streams of income and have fun along the way.

In total, you get access to over 150 hours of video trainings and meditations that you can access 24/7 from the course site at your own pace.

And don’t worry, everything is broken down into small, bite-size chunks so you never feel overwhelmed. And of course, you get live access to me via zoom on the Fireside Chats twice a month.


If you’re resonating with all this and the Money Magic course feels right for you, I look forward to seeing you in the course and helping you live your best life.

This course is closed for enrollment.

If you’re not happy with the course, I stand by my 14-day money-back guarantee. Please note that we only give refunds within a 14 day period. After that, we no longer give refunds.

If you’re not happy with the course, I stand by my 14-day money-back guarantee.